ADA Action Opportunity on Special Diabetes Program and CHIP

ADA has an advocacy action open to anyone interested in supporting theSpecial Diabetes Program andChildrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP).ADAmakes it easy for individualsto contact their Congress Member and Senators through a letter generation form.

ADAs call to action says:

Congress is about to vote on two critical diabetes programs in the coming days. Will you tell your senators and representative that they must renew the Special Diabetes Program and the Childrens Health Insurance Program for four years? These programs provide support and hope to all Americans with, and at risk for, diabetes.

The Special Diabetes Program (SDP) has brought important research breakthroughs for type 1 diabetes and is a critical investment in preventing and treating diabetes in American Indian and Alaska Native communities. It is critical we continue to support both proven diabetes research and prevention and care for populations most impacted by this devastating disease. Continued funding will lead to even greater results in preventing, treating and eventually curing diabetes.

The Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provides health insurance for kids whose families make just enough money that they dont qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to afford private health insurance. Parents shouldnt have to worry about whether they are able to pay for a trip to their childs doctor or get the medications their children need to stay healthy. A child with diabetes cannot survive without access to the medications and care needed to manage the disease.

Tell your legislators to include a four-year renewal of SDP and CHIP as part the Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate repeal.
