Lee Ann Thill has introduced yet another Great idea for the Diabetes Online Community to get involved in. Click on the image for more details or click on (more).
Here are the rules:
1) Email your postal address to me: leeann@thebuttercompartment.com. If you would like to be matched with an adult, child or family, another type 1 or type 2, or if you are a type 3, spouse, sibling or parent, please indicate that. I will do my absolute best to match you with someone who is similar. Otherwise, your assigned recipient will be random in that regard, which isnt necessarily a bad thing! Were sending old-school post office-delivered postcards, so I need your snail mail address.
2) Expect to receive an email with the name and address of your postcard recipient. Im trying to collect a nice list of participants from many different places, and as soon as the list fills out, Ill be sending those emails.
3) Use the WDD Blue Circle and all the creativity you can fit on a 3.5×5 piece of cardstock.
4) On the back of the postcard, complete this mini D meme, in addition to anything else youd like to share with your recipient:
Your name:
Where you live:
Your connection to diabetes:
Type of diabetes:
Year of diagnosis:
One thing you do to Act On Diabetes:
One Word:
5) Mail it, ideally in time for the recipient to receive it by November 14th. If youre unable to do that, please at least have it postmarked by then.
6) Check your mailbox for a postcard from the person who was assigned your name and address.
7) If you like, post a photo of the postcard you receive on the World Diabetes Day Postcard Exchange Facebook page.