The FDA Office of Minority Health (OMH) will host a webinar to share with you how and why to comment to a docketa public record of information about an FDA action.
When you comment, your voice is formally on record.
Date:Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Time:2:00 3:00 PM ET
RSVP:12:00 PM, Monday, March 23, 2015
Register:The FDA Docket
The FDA often requests the public comment on a docket when the agency establishes or modifies how food, medical products and/or medical devices are regulated. These requests for comment are announced in the Federal Register (FR) and provide important opportunities to share concerns and comments informing FDA policies and practices.
The FDA Office of Minority Health is hosting the webinar. Our speaker is Ms. Leslie Kux, who is the FDA Associate Commissioner for Policy and serves as the Director of the FDA Office of Policy.
Ms.Kux will walk you through how and why to comment. You will also learn where to find a docket, the suggested format for comments, and practice finding a docket using the recent OMHFederal Register Notice.
Ms. Leslie Kux, OMH Director Dr. Jonca Bull, and Christine Merenda of the OMH Research Program will be on hand to take questions.
You can direct questions about the webinar to Sydnee Logan, atsydnee.logan@fda.hhs.govor(240) 402-6998.
The OMH looks forward to meaningfully engaging with you in the future.
Sincerely yours,
Sydnee Logan
Office of Minority Health
U.S. Food and Drug Administration