JDRFhas an advocacy action open to anyone interested Ensure Seniors with Diabetes have Access to Continuous Glucose Monitors. Legislation has been introduced to the House; a Senate bill is expected soon.JDRFmakes it easy for individualsto contact theirCongress Member through a letter generation form.
JDRFscall to actionsays:
Urge Your Representative to Co-sponsor H.R. 5644 to Ensure Seniors with Diabetes have Access to Continuous Glucose Monitors.
U.S. Representatives Tom Reed, Diana DeGette and Ed Whitfield, leadership of the House Diabetes Caucus, introduced legislation that would help Medicare-eligible Americans gain coverage for continuous glucose monitors (CGMs). Medicare does not yet cover CGM devices, denying access to this innovative and potentially life-saving technology, which helps those with type 1 diabetes react to dangerous high and low blood sugar levels more quickly and effectively. In addition, this coverage would help pave the way for the next generation of CGM-related technologies, such as artificial pancreas systems.
The use of CGM technologies is recommended by national diabetes clinical guidelines and covered by nearly all private health plans. Please take a moment toemail your Representative today, and ask them to co-sponsor this timely legislation.Be sure topersonalize your letter below, and tell Congress why the issue of CGM coverage by Medicare is important to you.Lastly, pleaseshare this alert with friends and family, asking them to send their message to their Members as well!