Raise Money for Cancer to Support Meri Schuhmacher’s Husband

The family and friends of the Schuhmachers are uniting to raise money to help withRyans battle against cancer.

Ryan and Meri Schuhmacher have been married for 19 years. They have four sons, ranging in age from 8 16 years of age. Three of their boys have Type 1 Diabetes.

On February 26, 2012, 40-year-old Ryan was taken to the emergency room for an evaluation of numbness and heaviness in his right leg. A CT scan showed 6 brain tumors. Further testing revealed additional tumors in his lungs and abdomen.

The road ahead will be long and rocky. It will be filled with radiation and new drugs that have only recently been approved by the FDA. It will be filled with exhausting emotions, moments of fear, and endless questions.

But it will also be filled with hope, a determined spirit, and faith beyond measure.

All the best to you, Ryan!