From ADA: ADAs blog, the Your Rights, One Voice blog features about diabetes discrimination and how the American Diabetes Association helps through Legal Advocacy. This month ADAs Your Rights, One Voice story profiles, Erin Argueta, an experienced traveler who has type 1 diabetes. When Erin had to travel for business, she needed to leave earlier […]
Category: News (Page 5)
JDRF Advocacy Opportunity on CGM Coverage by Medicare
JDRFhas an advocacy action open to anyone interested Ensure Seniors with Diabetes have Access to Continuous Glucose Monitors. Legislation has been introduced to the House; a Senate bill is expected soon.JDRFmakes it easy for individualsto contact theirCongress Member through a letter generation form. JDRFscall to actionsays: Urge Your Representative to Co-sponsor H.R. 5644 to Ensure […]
ADA Action Opportunity on Special Diabetes Program and CHIP
ADA has an advocacy action open to anyone interested in supporting theSpecial Diabetes Program andChildrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP).ADAmakes it easy for individualsto contact their Congress Member and Senators through a letter generation form. ADAs call to action says: Congress is about to vote on two critical diabetes programs in the coming days. Will you […]
US T2 Trial of Abbott Libre Recruiting Participants
Glucose Variability Pilot Study for the Abbott Sensor Based Glucose Monitoring System Amulti-center, prospective, non-pivotal, single arm, non-significant risk evaluation the Abbott Sensor Based Glucose Monitoring System Pro across different stages of T2 diabetes management. This is a non-significant risk study.Locations in: California, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina & Texas Detailed Description: Subjects will wear two […]
New AMA, CDC Initiative Aims to “Prevent Diabetes STAT”
Please share the AMA & CDC InitiativePrevent Diabetes STAT Particularly this tool Kit: With more than 86 million Americans living with prediabetes and nearly 90 percent of them unaware of it, the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today announced that they have joined forces to take urgent […]
Name drop of DHF in EndocrineToday
AACE leads advocacy effort to pass improved diabetes care legislation TheAmerican Association of Clinical Endocrinologistsis leading more than 40 national organizations that represent physicians, health professionals, patients, communities and the medical industry to support the National Diabetes Clinical Care Commission Act, according to a news release from the organization. With an aim to improve care […]
Insulin Pumps Need Greater Safety Review
Insulin Pumps Need Greater Safety Review: American Diabetes Association Issues Joint Statement with European Association for the Study of Diabetes Alexandria, Virginia March16,2015 Not enough is known about the safety and efficacy of insulin pumps, and a comprehensive safety overhaul including greater access to data from pump manufacturers and public funding of research on the […]
Smart Insulin (MK
Smart Insulin (MK-2640) Starts A Clinical Trial But the big news is that Smart Insulin has started clinical (human) trials. In fact, the trial started months ago, in November 2014. I missed it, mostly because Merck changed the drugs name from Smart Insulin to L-490 to MK-2640. The clinical trial was under the name MK-2640, […]
WHO calls on countries to reduce sugars intake among adults and children
4 MARCH 2015 GENEVA A new WHO guideline recommends adults and children reduce their daily intake of free sugars to less than 10% of their total energy intake. A further reduction to below 5% or roughly 25 grams (6 teaspoons) per day would provide additional health benefits. Guideline on sugars intake for adult and children […]
FDA Webinar: How and why to comment to a docket.
See: The FDA Office of Minority Health (OMH) will host a webinar to share with you how and why to comment to a docketa public record of information about an FDA action. When you comment, your voice is formally on record. Date:Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Time:2:00 3:00 PM ET RSVP:12:00 PM, Monday, March 23, 2015 […]