The Advocates

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Amy Tenderich(11/2/2013)DiabetesMine is more than a publication; we are patient advocates, working to help improve the tools and care available to make life with diabetes better. From 2008-2011, the DiabetesMine Design Challenge made a significant contribution towards fostering better tools for Read on! Asha Brown(9/23/2013)Founder and President of Advocate for healthy and happy living with T1D. Strong supporter of diabulimia awareness and diabulimia prevention in the T1D community.

Beatriz Dominguez Beatriz Dominguez(9/22/2013)Bea Dominguez has lived with type 2 diabetes since April 2001. She is an active member of the diabetes online community who makes part of the advisory boards for DSMA and the Diabetes Hands Foundation. In addition, Bea co-hosts the Read on! Bennet Dunlap(9/21/2013)StripSafely A Campaign for Accurate Diabetes Testing. Learn and Join the team.

Chris Stoker Chris Stocker(10/3/2013)People with diabetes can live just like everybody else, and people need to know that! http://thelifeofadiabetic.comChristel Marchand Aprigliano(10/3/2013)A vocal advocate for all people with diabetes, especially Type 1s. Former host of the first diabetes podcast, she now blogs as ThePerfectD and works on the Strip Safely campaign.

David Edelman David Edelman(9/20/2013)Co-Founder of Diabetes Daily, a top online community for people with diabetes, and member of the Diabetes Hands Foundation Board. http://www.diabetesdaily.comDiabetes Advocates Conference Scholarships(5/6/2014)The Diabetes Advocates is proud to announce that we are offering scholarships to some of our program members to attend diabetes conferences this summer thanks to the generous support of Novo Nordisk. The list includes many long-time advocates and some Read on! Diabetes Care Entering 2015: Ineffective RantingIrl B. Hirsch, MD(1/21/2015)Irl B. Hirschs annual diabetes rant.on Individualized care, outcome measure and more: My annual rant about processes and cost has now 1,2 entered its third iteration. One would hope that after 2 years of ranting our situation would have stabilized Read on! Elena Sainz(9/22/2013)Diabetes Educator and PhD student researching about learning at virtual communities. Live with T1D in Mexico. Elizabeth Basile(9/22/2013)I advocate for individuals with diabulimia and binge-eating disorders by bringing awareness to the medical and diabetes communities. www.elizabethbasilemft.comGinger Vieira(9/20/2013)In addition to living with type 1 diabetes and Celiac disease myself, I coach other people with diabetes around exercise and nutrition. With a background in cognitive coaching, personal training, competitive powerlifting and yoga, Im a big fan of helping Read on! Hakeem Adejumo(9/22/2013)Hakeem is passionate about diabetes prevention and care with interest in stopping stigmatization associated with diabetes in Nigeria and Africa. He is the co-founder of the Nigeria diabetes online community an online social peer support system for people with diabetes. Read on! Heather Gabel(9/19/2013)Founder of Beta Connect, Insulliance visionary, believer in everything Diabetes Hands Foundation, & active member of the #DOC http://www.unexpectedblues.comHow accurate are your diabetes test strips and glucose monitors?(11/6/2014) Last month, we asked people with diabetes toshare what they payfor their test strips. Its part of our ongoing#PriceCheck collaboration. Weve heard that the cost of test strips can vary greatly. Weve also heard that these test strips Read on! Jamie Naessens(10/3/2013)Diabetes diagnosis is tough. As an adult, diabetes can mean isolation, challenge & fear. Connection is a powerful healer.

Jane K. Dickinson Jane K. Dickinson(10/22/2013)I advocate through teaching, writing, and supporting to close the gap between people with diabetes and health care providers. http://www.janekdickinson.comKaren Graffeo(10/22/2013)Creator of annual Diabetes Blog Week. JDRF volunteer & DCAF Advisory Board member. Dxd with T1 in 79.

Katrina Huckabay Katrina Huckabay(9/20/2013)Katrina Huckabay is the Executive Director of the Kansas City Type One Diabetes Foundation, Free Lance blogger for Diabetic Lifestyle, Member of the Diabetes Advocates, Luminary for the Blue Heel Society, and a Glu Ambassador.

Kelly Close of diaTribe Kelly Close(9/22/2013)Editor-in-Chief and patient advocate at diaTribe, free monthly online newsletter on research and products for people with diabetes. www.diatribe.orgKelly Rawlings(9/20/2013)Advocacy: Diabetes Community Advocacy Foundation Advisory Team (#dsma on Twitter), TCOYD Iowa Co-Chair. Work: Diabetes Forecast Editor.

Kim Vlasnik Kim Vlasnik(9/30/2013)Founder of the You Can Do This Project; author of the blog Texting My Pancreas. Driven by storytelling; reliant on insulin and levity. http://www.textingmypancreas.comLeighann Calentine(9/23/2013)Providing support to parents of children with type 1 diabetes through the website D-Mom Blog and book Kids First, Diabetes Second.

lorainne sisto this is caleb Lorraine Sisto(10/3/2013)Lorraine Sisto is mother to three children, one of whom, Caleb is living with type 1 diabetes. Caleb was diagnosed in 2007 at the age of three. http://www.thisiscaleb.comMerle Gleeson(10/22/2013)Educates, supports and empowers people touched with type 1 diabetes. http://www.type1diabeteslounge.orgMichael Hoskins(11/4/2013)Longtime Type 1 sharing my own story and doing diabetes journalism, advocating online and offline to connect the dots within our D-Community.

Mike Durbin My Diabetic Heart Mike Durbin(9/20/2013)Mike Durbin, 29, lives with Type 2 Diabetes and Congestive Heart Failure. He shares his experiences with both at Mike Lawson diabetes youtube Mike Lawson(9/22/2013)Mike Lawsons YouTube series My Life As A Pin Cushion, is a positive, comedic way for him to share some of the lessons he has learned living with diabetes and to spread the positive message that a diabetes diagnosis doesnt Read on!

Rhonda Besse Rhonda Beese(9/22/2013)Type 1 dxd at age 21, blogger at, activity coordinator for my local d-girls, volunteer, and #DOC member, supporter, & commentator.

Rich The Diabetic Rich Nagle(9/20/2013)Rich the Diabetic brings his geeky perspective to life with diabetes through his blog and social networks.

Richard Vaughn Richard Vaughn(9/21/2013)To inspire fellow diabetics and the parents of diabetic children, to give them hope for the future. To give support and help with their problems. To review diabetes in the past and the present, and encourage good control.

Sarah Knotts Sarah Knotts(10/22/2013)I am a diabetes blogger, I try to support others in the online community and I try to spread awareness to others. http://www.sugabetic.meScholarships for MasterLab 2016(3/31/2016)The Diabetes Hands Foundation is happy and excited to offer scholarships to attend MasterLab 2016, an event of the Diabetes Advocates program. MasterLabwill take place on July 6th, in Orlando FL. We offer these scholarships to provide the advocates an Read on!

Scott Benner Arden's Day Scott Benner(9/21/2013)Im trying to bring awareness to diabetes by sharing my experiences openly. Scott is working on building Ardens Day Gives, his non-profit aimed at alleviating the financial burden of insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors for children in need. http://www.ArdensDay.comScott Johnson(9/30/2013)Living life with type 1 diabetes and telling my story. Blogger, Speaker, Writer, Advocate, Co-host for DSMA Live, & Communications Lead USA @mysugr.

Scott Strange Scott Strange(9/23/2013)I discuss not only the physical aspects of diabetes, but also the less talked about aspects that include the mental and emotional burdens that diabetes brings along for the ride. http://strangelydiabetic.comScott Strumello(10/22/2013)A pioneer of sorts, having started one of the earliest diabetes blogs back in 2005 and has continued since that time. A vocal advocate for all people with diabetes, Scott has pushed for transparency among doctors and actual patient representation Read on!

Sue Rafati Sue Rafati(9/22/2013)Advocating for better testing for LADA and all the other niggly bits about living with and managing a currently incurable disease 24/7. www.ladalife.comThe new doctor: the patient(10/7/2014)Reposted from by Riva Greenburg As the number of people with diabetes continues its astonishing risefrom 26 to nearly30 millionand inpre diabetes from 79 to 86 million the number of endocrinologists who specialize in their treatment remains flat. Read on! Tom Karlaya Tom Karlya(9/19/2013)Is known in the Diabetes Community as Diabetes Dad, is VP of the DRI Foundation, a lecturer, writer, and diabetes advocate. He is a CWD dad, and serves on many diabetes committees.